This is a library of processing that is frequently used in competitive programming. Programming Language is C++Library list
- dynamic programming (DP)
- 1D dynamic programming
- Longest increasing subsequence
- 2D dynamic programming
- bit dynamic programming
- section dynamic programming
- mathematics (number theory)
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- binomial coefficients (simple version)
- binomial coefficients (mod version)
- binomial coefficients (mod + memoization version)
- duplicate permutation
- divisor enumeration
- Principle of inclusion-exclusion (PIE)
- inverse element
- Other data structures
- cumulative sum
- 2D cumulative sum
- Binary Indexed Tree (BIT)
- Section addition BIT
- Range Sum Queries (RSQ)
- Segment Tree
- 1-point update segment tree
- Range Maximum Queries (RMQ)
- Range Sum Queries (RSQ)
- lazy segment tree
- Union-Find
- Weighted Union-Find
- dabbling
- dual problem
Revenge of the Sea Creatures
This is the first game I made in my first year at university.Vertical scrolling shooting game using C language and DX libraryMovie
Voice Traveler
It is the world's first unprecedented voice action game that operates by converting voice recognition and own voice into frequency.speech recognition engine Julius, frequency transform is Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) was incorporated into the game engine Unity Programming Language is C#Movie
I want to make a 3D game and I made a 3D action game for studying BlenderThe scale was too big, so the production was stopped.The language is C#, and the game engine uses Unity.Movie
made in a hackathonIt is a congestion display and recommendation app for tapioca women who want to enjoy tapioca in corona misfortuneThe platform is Web and Android, the languages are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Java, and the IDE uses Android Studio.The figure below will be displayed on Android
Recommendation recipe chatbot
I made a simple menu recommendation chatbot using DialogflowRandomly create 4 cooking categories and display popular recipes in the selected category